The Day of UNO- United Nations Organization

13In the framework of the English Club, coordinated by the

English Language department

of Kharkov University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”.

The Day of UNO- United Nations Organization


22 nd October, Thursday, at 15.00-16.30

The goal is to motivate the cross-cultural dialogue; encourage tolerance, friendliness and cooperation between nations.

The participants are welcome to present their native culture in a form of media presentation (3-4 min), demonstrate costume, recipes (distribution of national cookies or other snack food is welcome), short episode of national dance, an episode of national music, or singing. (Total 10 minutes for the presentation of each country including dance and singing).

In the program:

  • Presentation about UNO
  • The parade of nations (delegates from Arab countries, African countries, China, Israel, Germany, England, India and a host - Ukraine)
  • Entertainment
  • Discussion of UNO Social video
Contact for the additional info: Natalia Sergeyevna Molodcha – 0678389419 – (the head of the English language department), Asya Aleksandrovna Khilkovska – 0673045100 – (English club coordinator), Nastya Voronenko - Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript - (student’s leadership group).